Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow, Sunshine and Good Report

Following up examination today as well as blood work were all within good limits.

I was diagnosed and had surgery ONE YEAR ago today!

While I am feeling quite well, it is good to also get confirmation from the Dr. and with lab results.

Enjoy your weather, around the globe as we enjoy the sunshine and snow in Chicago.

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."
Psalm 115:1


  1. Great news on the checkup! We'll have to amen Ps 115:1. It looks like Auntie had a nice birthday visit back in Western Springs. She's a young 81. Our best to you and Don.

    Steve and Dawn

  2. Getting caught up with you! PTL for this report and all the great photos. Brings back memories of our Quechua chickens! Especially one named Josephine, Paul's pet. Linda, we rejoice with you that your energy is returning. Yes! For God's glory.
    Love in Him,
    Peter and Gretchen
