Friday, June 18, 2010

Chemo # 7 - Mongolians Return

With white blood cells still low, especially my ANC - Absolute Neutrophil count of 1.1. , my dose was reduced by another 15 % from the initial dosage. Thus I am getting 70% dose. I have the 5-FU infusion until about 5 pm tonight. Again side effects were different this time.

It has been a delight to have Mark, Cinda, Annika and Toby with us. They have explored museums, sorted through items that were left here, and enjoyed several ethnic Chicago foods. They will be heading down to Missouri and Arkansas for the next few weeks returning to Chicago area mid-July. They are ticketed to return July 24, however, word came a few days ago that the Mongolian government might not be reviewing visas until July which might delay their return.
Timing again, is not always ours to set.

Thank you everyone for your intercessory pray on out behalf. How encouraging it is to learn of people that are praying in the middle of the night from Singapore to Niger to Mongolia to the midwest. Your friendship and concern is a real treasure.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Delay with # 7 Chemo

The expected #7 treatment could not be given today as again my blood counts were too low.

Treatment will be delayed one week, blood counts evaluated, and infusion restarted with the possibility of another reduction in dosage at that time.

We remain in God's hands. The timing and healing are not ours. May I completely "Trust in you, O Lord; You are my God," My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies" Psalm 31:14

Friday, June 4, 2010

JOY - Disappointment - JOY

JOY - Wednesday June 2nd

Mark, Cinda, Annika and Toby arrived from Mongolia via Seoul, Korea...24+ hours of travel. Ulanbataar, Mongolia to Seoul is now 3 hours as they have to avoid North Korean air space. After two years, it was absolutely wonderful to see everyone. Annika and Toby have both grown physically, but still have their sweet spirit. They are very resourceful children. Their return to the states was prompted by visa requirement. We are delighted! Aspen, their dog, seemed to remember them. They certainly were glad to see her.

Disappointment - June 2nd

Following Chemo #6, I have felt quite good. Probably the best of any week immediately after the infusion. I had a positive attitude, ate quite well, and had period of 'energy'. Prior to the going to the airport, I had blood drawn. My white blood cells count was at the lowest it has ever been. WBC....1.9 for those who are interested. My ANC was 0.03. Lesson: feeling good does not necessarily translate into quality blood counts. Again, my risk of infection is heightened. I was given another dose of Neupogen to help boost my production of white cells. Also placed on antibiotics with signs of an infection brewing.

JOY - June 3rd

Thursday, repeat blood drawn showed white blood counts which have never been higher!!!
Thank you Lord for Neupogen, that I do no have pain as my marrow is stimulated, and that it has been effective for me. WBC jumped to 7.7 and ANC to 4.5! Blood draw again next week before #7 hopefully will continue to show positive effects of the drug.

Thanks to so many who lift up my situation in prayer before the Lord, for those that have helped with yard work, with food, with comments and letters, and in multiple other ways. We appreciate each of you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

God is Faithful

It has been quite awhile since I wrote last. I do not want to bore anyone with the details of chemo side effects. They are there, sometimes more intense than others, sometimes present in the morning, sometimes appear at night. I can have some energy for a while, and then a veil of exhaustion come over and you will find me on the couch or in bed. I want to be able to anticipate these times, yet there is no pattern.

Chemo #6 was infused last Wednesday and for the most part, I have felt quite well. Don and I were able to enjoy several days relaxing in Michigan.

This past week has been eventful. #6 for me....yeah! Last Friday, our daughter Becky had a complete thyroidectomy done for nodules that suddenly appeared this spring. Dr. A. Gawande was able to do her of the top endocrine surgeons in the country. We prayed that her vocal chords would be spared.......she is able to talk; we prayed that her para-thyroid glands would be spared......all four of them were! While she has experienced days of discomfort and pain, each day brings a bit of relief. Thankfully, the other set of Grandparents, Dan and Jean Williams were able and willing to drive out to care for 2 year old Eleanor. They have visited parks, farms, and taken many walks in Boston, keeping that little sweetheart occupied while Becky recovers.

Now this week, Mark, Cinda, Annika and Toby have driven in the capital of Ulanbataar, Mongolia. They leave tonight at midnight flying through Seoul and onto Chicago.....a 24 hours + journey of time. They have to leave Mongolia due to visa status that will change when they return. They will be in the states for about 6 weeks. We pray for a peaceful flight with periods of sleep.

Since we like the medical community, Sarah and Peter's oldest son will have an operation on Thursday to remove his adenoids.

We so much appreciate your comments, your interest, and most of all your prayers for God's continued care.