Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Downs - Ups - New Uses for a Vacuum

This week has been all of the above.

Downs - mouth sores with white spots, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and a cough, all coupled with a low white blood count.

Ups - After being evaluated, an injection to stimulate my bone marrow to produce more white blood cells, a very strong antibiotic started to combat a sinus infection, frequent mouth care.....all of the above, with the help of medicines, have improved somewhat.

This was all in the week that I 'feel good.' It is hard to eat when it hurts in your mouth, and when your intestines hurt from the antibiotics. One aspects seems to stimulate another effect.

It is also a struggle to keep a perspective midst not feeling good and fairly constant fatigue. That is when we really rely on your prayers and support.

A new use for the vacuum - take the hose to your hair. It is a great way to further thin your hair if you are on chemo. AND....it is a one step task. You do not have to clean up the floor, your bed, your clothes and every other place it land.

Chemo #3 is tomorrow. Pray for minimal side effect.....and further killing of cancer cells!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Wood! We are thinking about you here in Kansas! It sounds like Becky and Eleanor's visit was good medicine.
    Love, The Blackburns (Katie, Dave, and Moses)
