Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chemo # 3 is ongoing

Chemo #3 was possible today.

Our bodies have amazing abilities to recover! After everything being very low last week, I have returned to good lab results. My White Blood count was up to 6.9 today....NORMAL. Platelets up from 128 to 259...NORMAL
Hemoglobin 12.7.....low, but within NORMAL range.
The infusion of chemotherapy was possible and at the full dosage. So thankful that this can be possible.

Side effects, thus far, is primarily the extreme sensitivity to cold. I have to drink tepid, warm water. Reaching into the refrigerator to take something out requires the use of a hot pad. Even reaching to get washed clothes from the machine requires gloves to transfer to the dryer.

Other side effects related to your GI system are controlled with drugs....all kinds.
Hair loss continues.....sort of like a little chicken with some downy fuzz and some longer lengths. Lots came out with my shower this morning. Maybe it will grow back curly???? or red??

During the infusion this morning, I listened to Tim Keller speak on
Praying Your Fears. He referenced Psalms 3:3...
"But you are a shield around me, O Lord, my glorious One, who lifts up my head. To the Lord I cry aloud and he answers me from his holy hill."

Thank you to each of you who continue to uphold me with your prayers.


  1. "Dear...sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow." James 1:2-3 (NLT)

    Read this today during some quiet time and thought of you. Your in my prayers. Keep on fighting!! KB

  2. Linda, this sounds like good news aside from your own personal mongolian winter that sort of follows you around all the time.

    We are thankful there are GI meds that can help with your gastric upset and other side effects.

    My father's brother and sister in law are undergoing similar experiences. He has colon cancer and she has breast cancer with liver and bone involvement. We saw them Easter weekend and they were having a good day. Remember them please when you pray.

    Not a day goes by that Michelle and I don't think of you and say a prayer for strength, grace, and joy in your life. We love you very much, but you know that.
