Our daughter Sarah from Cumberland, Maine signed up to run in her first Tr
August 15th, Sarah along with over 900 others swam in the ocean 1/3 mile, biked 15 miles, and ran 3 miles. Sarah finished in the upper 10% of competitors. Please see the pictures of why she ran. This race raised over $900,000 for cancer research. Thank you Sarah for your effort for Mom and others.
This past week, with a bit more energy most likely because I had to stop one of the chemo drugs, we have experienced some wonderful adventures.
First was to the Tall Ship Festival at Chicago's lake front. 19 masted ships with an unbelievable amount of ropes, rigging, and masts. We were able to board several of the ships-schooners. The quarters below were tiny. We had to bend over in the living quarters. That's where over 24 hammocks sleep some of the crew, Claustrophobia for me! From the depths of the ships to climbing up the rigging to the high sails. Life on the water is challenging. That life is not for me, but they were delightful to visit.
The next day was a visit to The American Girl Place. What a wonderland for little girls. It is fun to see. Annika, our 9 year old granddaughter, LOVED it. We celebrated her returning to Mongolia with our visit and lunch.
Mark, Cinda, Annika, and Toby return to Mongolia on September 5th traveling through Seoul, Korea and on to Ulanbataar, Mongolia.
I remember when we went with the Hansons to the American Girl Place for lunch! What a treat it was for Alicia! It was very special and a dream come true for Alicia! I am sure Annika will keep it as a very special memory!
ReplyDeleteI also remember the day at the American Doll store. I was fascinated by the beauty shop and all the dolls getting a new do. It is a day I will always remember sharing with out youngest granddaughter. In a few years I will be going there with great granddaughters. Yikes!! Great news that you are out and about.