Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Delay

Well...with great anticipation of # 9 this morning, my blood counts were again too low to be given chemo. There is a response in my bone marrow, but not enough mature white cells to sustain another cycle. Chemo is producing varied effects on different systems.

Now...with disappointment, # 9 will be delayed another week. Hopefully, by then, I will have reached a level where I again can have chemo. I felt so good yesterday, Don and I were guessing what the numbers would be. Feeling good does NOT equate to adequate blood counts.

With Don's BIG birthday today, Mark & Cinda's 15th Wedding anniversary, and just plain summertime, our entire family is assembling in Michigan for celebrations. This is the first time that everyone will be together. That will be 22 people in all! Twelve adults and ten grandchildren from age 11 to 1. Logistics from food to sleeping arrangements are interesting. More about that later.

Again, we are reminded that our timings are not necessarily of our making. May the Lord continue to give direction and oversight as HE has in the past. Deuteronomy 31:8
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." We again claim HIS promises.


  1. Have a truly awesome time in Michigan and enjoy all the family together!

  2. Linda, I am praying that your white counts go up so you can keep on with treatments. Sounds like your schedule might be busy when you are in MI but it would be great to see you guys. Give a call if it works for you.
