Monday, May 10, 2010

4 going on 5 for Linda Plus adventure for Don

Almost two weeks ago, #4 Chemo was administered. However, because of low blood counts, I had to have the dosage reduced by 15 %. There have been a variety of reactions. The cold sensitivity tops the list. Fatigue seems always to be present.

Over the last several weeks, Don has noted a deterioration in his vision in one eye. This is the eye that had surgery last August when they peeled a membrane off the retina on the back of the eye. Yes, deterioration certainly had occurred. Thus, last Wednesday he has a cataract removed with the placement of an intra-ocular lens. Over the next few days, his vision improved almost hourly. Now he can see well enough to vacuum the floors and know that he has pick up everything.....Both my hair as well as the dogs!

This Wednesday, Chemo #5.

Pray that I can receive the full dosage and the cancer cells continue to be killed.


  1. Linda,
    You have been in my thoughts and prayers, even though life here has been moving at such a clip that I am just now visiting your Blog. I wept tears of blessing as I read of your daughters' lovely gift. Something so special, authentic, and useful. I truly believe that God has organized our world with unspoken power that prayer is a part of. I do not know how, but I know without a doubt he uses all these things and prayers to work do his "thing". I love the story of a split molecule one part sent to California and the other piece remaining in NY. When a process was done on the part in NY, the other part in Calif reacted, also. God has our existances really intertwined. I know that the gift of the prayer shawl will tap into that. Will be visiting more often to witness your HEALING! Glad Don's eye is responding. Please send my greetings.

  2. Linda, I will be praying for you. I am in the U.S. for another 5 days of retreat and prayer and training to give it. I am down in S.C. but I will be praying for you.

    Love and courage my friend.

  3. Linda, please tell Don that we are praying for him too. We're glad his vision gets better. We both hold you in front of the Throne of Grace, and ask our Great Physician for sustaining strength for you two!
