Gratitude and Thanksgiving It is the month to think of this topic. For me it takes on a very special meaning.
It has now been two months since my last chemotherapy infusion. During this time, my energy has increased and my appetite returned. I have again been hungry! Food has flavor, does not cause GI symptoms, and is for the most part eagerly enjoyed. That is such a welcomed change from days and months of active chemotherapy.
I felt well enough to fly out to the East coast to see Sarah, Becky and their families in October. Visiting with four grandchildren was a highlight. From Boston's Chinatown and numerous parks to Maine's scenery and the Klein's chickens, it was a wonderful week.
Celebrated three November birthdays with a trip downtown via the train....Anna Heredia is 4 years, Beth and Linda ? Birthday are wonderful.
This week was so important. My first follow-up visit with my oncologist was good. My lab work was within normal limits. And I do not have to return for three months! I am overjoyed.
Each and every day is a gift that I no longer take for granted.
Thank you Lord.